
Offre d’emploi
La Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Genève lance un appel à candidatures pour un poste de PROFESSEUR-E ORDINAIRE ou ASSOCIE-E dans le domaine de la virologie CHARGE : Le/la candidat-e devra établir et maintenir un programme de recherche compétitif soutenu par des financements extérieurs et assumer des tâches d’enseignement et de service au sein...
Postdoctoral Position in Translational Virology In the Plemper Lab, Institute for Biomedical Sciences, Georgia State University Atlanta, GA, USA An NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available in the Plemper lab at Georgia State University in Atlanta. We develop applicable antiviral therapeutics against major respiratory RNA viruses such as influenza virus (Science Translational Medicine 2019; PMID: 31645453),...
Post-Doc position: Identification and characterization of new cellular factors involved in HIV-1 transcriptome regulation   PROJET/RESEARCH PROJECT A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of host-virus interactions at the Institut Cochin in Paris. This opening is funded by the ANRS (Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le SIDA et les Hépatites Virales). Alternative Splicing is...
Poste à pourvoir Chargé (e) de projet de recherche en virologie (H/F) Catégorie d’emploi Agent contractuel de catégorie 2 Type de contrat Contrat à durée déterminée de droit public de 36 mois Localisation Ploufragan (22) Prise de fonction Dès que possible Rémunération selon l’expérience et le niveau de formation par référence aux grilles indiciaires des...
The Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC) is seeking to recruit junior and mid-career Group leaders to develop independent research programs in the fields of Virology and of Cell Biology   I2BC is a leading research institute exploring the molecular and cellular bases of biological processes. The Institute located south of Paris within...
Three years post-doctoral position on the contribution of Autophagy proteins in HIV replication. A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Clarisse Berlioz-Torrent at the Institut Cochin in Paris. This opening is funded by the ANRS (Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le SIDA et les Hépatites Virales). Overview: Autophagy is a highly conserved...
Post-doctoral position on SARS-CoV-2 and the male genital tract Research project: The project comprises clinical (cohorts) and fundamental workpackages to investigate the infection of the male genital tract by SARS-CoV-2 and its consequences on endocrine and reproductive functions. We seek a highly motivated candidate to: (i) study infection of human testis and prostate in our...
Two postdoc positions available Host Pathogen Interaction in Lentiviral Infection Laboratory (Team of Andrea Cimarelli) at the CIRI, Lyon, France   Our laboratory is interested in decorticating the host pathogen interactions at the basis of viral replication. Traditionally focused on HIV, in more recent years we have also been studying this aspect at the interface...
MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR) 2 Senior Lecturer/Professor Positions The CVR is a world leading research centre with a collegiate critical mass of scientists dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of viruses and viral diseases. The CVR is seeking to appoint two Principal Investigators. Successful applicants will lead research programmes supported by the...
Offre de thèse en virologie à l´Institut Heinrich Pette à Hambourg. PhD Student (d,f,m) Host range determinants of arbovirus infections The Heinrich Pette Institute – Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology (HPI), is committed to research on the biology of different human viruses as well as the pathogenesis of viral diseases ( The HPI offers the...
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