Two postdoc positions available Host Pathogen Interaction in Lentiviral Infection Laboratory (Team of Andrea Cimarelli) at the CIRI, Lyon, France
Our laboratory is interested in decorticating the host pathogen interactions at the basis of viral replication. Traditionally focused on HIV, in more recent years we have also been studying this aspect at the interface between virology and cell biology on other RNA viruses. We are currently seeking for two highly motivated post doctoral candidates to work on the relationship between viruses and antiviral innate immunity defenses.
Position 1 (duration of 2 years, funded by the French agency for research on HIV/Hepatitis, ANRS) will focus on the identification and characterization of novel innate defense proteins that modulate the replication of the type 1 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). This is a blooming and highly competitive area of research in which HIV acts as a spearhead for a number of other viruses.
Position 2 (duration of 3 years funded by the National Agency of Research, ANR) is focused on the characterization of a novel mechanism of translation inhibition that our lab has recently described for the cellular antiviral factor ISG20 against different families of RNA viruses.
Candidates to both positions must possess a PhD and be able to conduct their research independently and enthusiastically and should possess prior experience in virology and/or cell biology. While previous experience in these fields is a plus, we also welcome candidates from other fields, strongly motivated to make the transition to HIV research. We host people from different countries and our working language is English.
Funding Salary will depend on experience and is based on national grids. The starting date is not firmly fixed, but should be preferentially set within the first half of the year 2021.
Our Research Environment. The laboratory is hosted within the CIRI, an institute supported by INSERM, CNRS, UCBL and ENS and dedicated to multi-disciplinary research in infectious diseases in Lyon-France. The CIRI provides an exciting, multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment in which to carry out research, with topics that range from immunology, bacteriology to virology and is itself embedded in the Lyon-Gerland Area that also hosts other research Centers. The Institute provides all the state-of-the-art facilities that will be used to carry out the project.
Candidates should send their application, CV and contact information for referees, to: Andrea Cimarelli
Further information is presented on our laboratory homepage (