The CIRI (Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie) is welcoming applications from candidates for a Professor position to be opened at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon in “Cellular Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases”.
The current COVID–19 crisis has reminded us of the danger posed by infectious diseases, which were already recognized as the second most common cause of death in humans. The diversity and complexity of the microbial world are immense as well as their pathogenic potential. It is crucial to understand the biology of infectious pathogens and therefore to use increasingly sophisticated equipment to track them at the intracellular or molecular levels so as to better understand how they hijack the cellular factors and pathways of their infected hosts and thus find ways to counteract them.
The CIRI – International Center for Infectiology Research (https://ciri.ens–, in Lyon, France, is a large research center that provides state–of–the–art facilities for cellular and molecular
biology, biochemistry and top–level research virology with levels 3 and 4 laboratories and ad hoc animal housing. It is situated on the Campus Charles Mérieux, a research environment endowed with strong basic biology sciences and a particular dedication in the research on infectious diseases. Its motto “Understanding infectious diseases to better control them” shows CIRI’s particular interest in translating basic science discoveries in translational research in infectious diseases, diagnostic, prevention, and treatment.
The CIRI has cofounded the LabEx (Laboratory of Excellence) Ecofect (http://ecofect.universite– on Eco–evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases. The CIRI has also cofounded the
EquipEx+ InfectioTron that consists in a suite of large equipment to characterize emerging infectious pathogens from the field to the bench, including a level 2 & 3 platform of electron cryotomography that will be functional in 2024 at the ENS Lyon.
(Research) The Professor will develop his or her own research activity within the International
Center for Infectious Diseases Research (CIRI), in connection with the other teams of the CIRI and the electron cryotomography platform and other technological platforms of the campus (– His/her research topics may concern the study of cellular and molecular networks involved in the replication and propagation of human pathogens responsible for (re)emerging infectious diseases, and the study of these microbes in the context of the diversity of environmental or clinical strains, particularly in humans and in their natural reservoirs.
(Teaching) The Professor will be recruited by the ENS de Lyon (http://www.ens– and
involved in the structuring of the infectiology curriculum in the Biology Department. He/she will
participate in existing courses at the L3, M1 and M2 level (Microbiology and infection, Molecular and structural microbiology, Host and microbes, SupraMolecular machines and therapeutic targets). He/she will participate in tutorials (L3 and M1) and practical work in infectiology (L3 level) and imaging (M2 level). Within the framework of the teaching program 2022–2027, he/she will develop new lectures in the fields of infectiology and microscopy, in consultation with the Biology department’s teaching team.
Application: Candidates are invited to contact François–Loïc Cosset (flcosset@ens– for further details.
Date of publication: 23rd November 2021
Contacts :
Recherche : François-Loïc Cosset ( directeur du CIRI
Enseignement : François Roudier ( directeur du Dpt de biologie