Registration and abstract submission via is now open until May 22nd 2022! Each participant must submit an abstract.
Please apply early, as the meeting may become oversubscribed before this deadline.
If you have already submitted an abstract for the workshop planned for February 2022, you do not need to submit again.
Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the Conference Chairs if more seats become available due to cancellations.
Please indicate during registration whether you are willing to share a room with someone, and, if possible, please provide the name of your roommate.
Please also indicate a billing address.
For abstract submission, only Word documents (.doc or .docx) are accepted. Abstracts (300 words max.) must be submitted with registration and will not be accepted afterwards.
Registration fees:
Participant (with single room accommodation) = 250 Euro Participant (with shared accommodation) = 230 Euro
Registration fees include:
* Accommodation (single or double bedroom on site)
* Attendance to the workshop
* Breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches
* Social evenings with dinner and a tour to world cultural heritage Rammelsberg
Venue: Hotel and convention center Hessenkopf Hessenkopf 5, 38644 Goslar (