MOOC Innate Immunity

The Massive Open Online Course Innate Immunity MOOC from Pasteur Network will be broadcasted from January 9, 2024 until March 13, 2024.  This course is recorded in English, with French subtitles.

Registration is free and open until March 6 >>

At the end of this course, the learners will be able to:

·       Define the cellular and molecular players of innate immunity.

·       Describe the mechanisms that lead to the elimination of pathogens.

·       Understand the strategies pathogens use against the innate immune system.

·       Discuss the influence of genetics and microbiota on the innate immune system.

·       Present links between innate immunity and the central nervous system and adaptive immunity.

Feel free to share this invitation or the flyer with colleagues and students who may be interested in this course. You can also share the news on X (twitter) or LinkedIn or on WEB sites. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact community manager or