the 1st International workshop on the « Biophysics of Airborne Infection: from Soft Matter to Biology », that will take place from the 4th to the 6th of June 2025 in Montpellier, France, thanks to the support of the Labex Numev, the CNRS and the University of Montpellier.
The BAI workshop stands out by bringing internationally renowned speakers, experts in very diverse fields from Virology, Soft Matter, MicroBiology, Physics and Fluid Mechanics:
Mohsen Bagheri, (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany)
Lydia Bourouiba (MIT, USA)
Lisa Chakrabarti (PAsteur Institute, France)
Rachel Edgar (Imperial College London, UK)
Hanneke Gelderblom (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Jérôme Legoff (Hopital Saint Louis, Paris, France)
Sébastien Lyonnais (CEMIPAI, CNRS-Université Montpellier, France)
Peter V. Nielsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Wilson Poon (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Julia Port (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung, Germany)
Jonathan Reid (University of Bristol, UK)
Blake Warner (NIH, USA)
The presentations will explore the entire transmission chain of respiratory pathogens between hosts from emission to infection.
BAI workshop will be a unique opportunity to discuss, share knowledge, and connect insights across disciplines, advancing research on the link between pathogens infectivity and the physicochemical conditions of their journey through the air.
A call for short talks and posters as well as for registration will be open soon so stay tuned.
The workshop will also include a proper social event, a Gala diner, and a long wine and cheese poster session to foster exchange between the participants.
Please do not hesitate to contact the organisation committee should you need further information.
To find out more, visit the BAI website which will include a flyer and informations on the invited speakers and will explain how to register in due time.
We look forward to welcoming you in Montpellier and we would like to wish you all happy holidays,